Year 1
Please visit: to discover more about our team teaching for Year 1 children.
We will continue to apply our phonics in our reading practise sessions. Don't forget to practise your decodable book using your Collins Ebook login. Year 2 children will be focussing on developing their comprehension skills.
More information about this term's learning can be found at
- Purple Mash – The school subscribes to this site and each child has their own unique login details which they have previously been provided with.
- Topmarks - Can you read, write and order numbers to 100? Can you solve addition and subtraction sentences to 20? Try hit the button, Daily 10 or number spat to practise counting in 2,5, and 10's - Other Useful Sites -
Practical activties -
Counting in 2's 5's and 10's up the stairs.
Have a number hunt or and word hunt around the house.
Why don't you take the time at home to learn to tell the time. We are focusing on O'clock and Half past.
Life in Class
The children in Year 1 are looking forward to a great year of learning.
We have a focused session on Reading, Writing, Maths and Phonics each day. We also enjoy lots of opportunities to learn about Science, Computing, French, History, Geography, RE, Art, DT and Music each week.
Our Curriculum
At Wimboldsley Primary School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes excellence. We aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through delivery a twenty first century education. A cross curricular approach to learning encourages the children to be independent, reflective learners and responsible citizens. We work closely with parents to support children’s learning.
Key skills we will be developing in Year 1
*using capital letters to start our sentences
*use the conjunction 'and' to join our ideas
*recording talk about the texts that we read
*develop an understanding of place value with numbers up to 100
*recalling addition and subtraction facts within 10
*count in 2, 5 and 10's
*adding and subtracting numbers to 20
How can I help and support my child at school?
Spelling are sent out on a Monday, the spelling check will be given on the following Monday
Homework will be sent out weekly, this will usually consist of a practical activty relating to our learning.
Reading is encouraged daily and should be recorded in your child’s blue reading record book.
Sharing books, reading with and to your child.
Visiting places of interest, talking to your child about them, and encouraging them to ask questions. Places you may choose to visit: the library, country parks and local nature reserves, museums, etc.
Making opportunities to play and work with others.
Opportunities to be creative.