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Early Years Foundation Stage

At Wimboldsley we are 'United in Achieving Excellence' in our Early Years and across our school.

We know how important the first year of school is for you and your child. To help parents of new entrants to the school, the class teacher is able to provide a detailed description of our Foundation Stage.

We begin our journey together in EYFS and believe that a strong partnership between home and school helps your child to flourish. Our priority is that all children have a happy start to their school life and they enjoy each and every day that they spend with us.

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Our Aims
Our aims and expectations are underpinned by those of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS Framework, 2021)

1.  Our standards are set to ensure that every child makes progress and no child is left behind.
2. Every child is included and there is an equality of opportunity for all.
3. A working partnership is established between school and parents/carers, professionals and other settings they may attend.
4. An approach that ensures your child's care and learning is of high quality.
5. We lay a secure foundation for future learning.

We deliver the EYFS framework for teaching children from birth to five years old.

The framework consists of four themes. These are A Unique Child, Enabling Environments, Positive Relationships and Learning and Development.

We operate a continuous provision model, meaning that your child will become an independent learner and begin to take responsibility for their own learning and development. Within the learning and development theme there are SEVEN areas of learning from the basis of the curriculum.

These areas are:

* Personal, Social and Emotional Development

* Physical Development

* Communication and Language

* Literacy

* Mathematics

* Understanding the World

* Expressive Art and Design

We teach your child knowledge, skills and understanding through a topic based curriculum to ensure they access a variety of learning experiences and secure a good foundation for their lifelong learning. The topics that we teach stem from the children's interests and passions. We learn both indoors and outdoors everyday.


More information about the EYFS can be found in the attached Parent's Guide to the EYFS.


Your child's progress will be continuously reviewed when starting Wimboldsley Primary School. The assessment is based on classroom observation - your child wont be formally tested. The assessments are linked to the EARLY LEARNING GOALS which can be found in the Early Years Framework.

Parents as Partners

Working in partnership with parents and/or carers is central to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We recognise that parents and carers know their children the best. We will work to build relationships with parentsand carers, keeping them up-to-date with their child’s progress. We encourage families to share observations from home that will contribute to our assessments.

To maintain good communication in addition to the main school newsletter, we send a dedicated weekly EYFS Newsletter (past copies are available on the Acorns class page). We hold regular Stay & Play sessions in school, encourage Parental Involvelmet in the classroom (Mystery Reader, Class Assembly etc) use our Class Twitter Page (@Acorn_Class) to share learning from the classroom, send regular Marvelllous Me messages and awards to motivate and encourage learning and share Home-Learning Obervations for inclusion in Learning Journey books.


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Find Us

Wimboldsley Community
Primary School

Nantwich Road,
CW10 0LN

Contact Us

School Office

[email protected] 01606 832321

Acting Headteacher | Mr Mark Allen

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SENCO | Mrs V Whiston

[email protected]

Chair of Govenors

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SENCO | Mrs V Whiston

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Chair of Govenors

[email protected] OFSTED Outstanding Provider