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Reading and Phonics



Reading And Phonics

Early Reading

We encourage parents and carers  to read with their child regualarly.  All children have a  book bag and a Home Reading Record book. We invite parents to sign or make a comment to help support their child’s reading at home. Young children have the opportuntiy to take a sharing books home and a decodable book matched to their current phonics learning. We encourage the children to read their decodable book at least 3 times to help to develop fluency, pace and expression.

The children are encouraged to visit the local library which has a good range of books for children and helps to encourage a love for reading.

We encourage a love and respect of books and it is helpful when children spend time at home talking about books and reading. Encouraging the children to ask questions and say what is happening in the pictures and why are good starting points when shareing a book together.  Whilst out and about, we encourage the children to look at the print around them - in shops, posters, road names, signs, etc.  

Children have the opportunities to practise the phonics skills that they are developing in school through a reading a range of decodable texts. These are carefully matched to their developing phonic knowledge. We have lots of different decoable books matched to the children's developing phonic skills including fiction and non-fiction. Reading a variety of books develops good habits and independence. Children read different authors and types of text, such as poetry, stories, reports, explanations and recounts or diaries during literacy session and in whole class reaidng time. They develop preferences and use the different styles in their own writing.





Through reading practise session in school, children gain fluency and mastery in both decoding and understanding their books.There are three sessions per decodable text

  1. Decoding
  2. Prosody
  3. Comprehension

Our aim is to nurture lifelong readers and hope children will curl up with a book and read their favourite stories over and over again. Just for the love of it!

We encourage parents and carers  to read with their child every night.  All children have a book bag and a Home Reading Record book. We invite parents to sign or make a comment to help support their child’s reading at home. Children  have the opportunity to change their reading books regularly. CHildren also have access to Collins Online and are sent a ebook copy of their reading practise session book weekly. 

Find Us

Wimboldsley Community
Primary School

Nantwich Road,
CW10 0LN

Contact Us

School Office 01606 832321

Acting Headteacher | Mr Mark Allen

SENCO | Mrs V Whiston

Chair of Govenors