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We encourage a love and respect of books and it is helpful when children spend time at home talking about books and reading.

We encourage parents and carers to read with their child every night.  All children have a blue book bag and a Home Reading Record book. We invite parents to sign or make a comment to help support their child’s reading at home. Children have the opportunity to change their reading books regularly.  From Reception, children are given a decodable book to read at home that will focus on the synthetic phonics that they have learned and that they are able to blend.  Children will also bring a second, sharing book home to read and enjoy with their families.  







As soon as children join us they take a decodable book home to read, linked to their phonics learning and a book to share with their family.

We want all children at Wimboldsley to develop a life-long love of reading. As a result, this is our highest priority. Teachers read class books to pupils containing challenging and interesting novels exposing children to language and classic stories which they may find too challenging to read independently.

In EYFS and Key Stage 1, reading sessions which focus on the physicality of reading alonside the skills of comprehension take place. This will helps our pupils access all the other subject areas and ensure they are life-long learners.  

In Key Stage 2, shared reading sessions take place 3 - 4 times a week focusing on the reading domains and ensuring that children are comprehending what they are reading. A variety of interesting and appeasing texts are chosen to support the wider curriculum and to ensure that children make links between what they have learnt. For the children who are yet to master the alphabetic code, catch up phonic sessions are provided to support the children in developing their knowledge of systematic sythentic phonics which will lead them to become independent readers.

From Y3 we launch our Accelerated Reader scheme.  This encourages children to read a range of texts in return for certificates and a chance to 'up their word count.' The texts on the scheme challenge the children to read ambitious books they might not normally read, including classic books, non-fiction  and poetry. 

For those children who require phonics, books are banded according to the grapheme-phoneme correspondence.  This ensures that the books are fully decodable by the children.  

As children become more fluent readers, we colour band books, according to difficulty. Texts from different published reading schemes and picture books are included: fiction and non-fiction. Reading a variety of books develops good habits and independence. Children read different authors and types of text, such as poetry, stories, reports, explanations and recounts or diaries. They develop preferences and use the different styles in their own writing.

With challenging texts in school and taking home books at a comfort level, children gain fluency and mastery in both decoding and understanding their books. In the early years we develop decoding skills and then move to developing children’s inference and comprehension, whilst developing a rich and varied vocabulary.

Our aim is to nurture lifelong readers and hope children will curl up with a book and read their favourite stories over and over again. Just for the love of it!

The children are encouraged to visit the local library which has a good range of books for children and helps to encourage a love for reading!

Please download our half-termly Reading Roundup Newsletter for the latest reading updates from school.

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Wimboldsley Community
Primary School

Nantwich Road,
CW10 0LN

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[email protected] 01606 832321

Acting Headteacher | Mr Mark Allen

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SENCO | Mrs V Whiston

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Chair of Govenors

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SENCO | Mrs V Whiston

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Chair of Govenors

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